Sustainability is an intrinsic part of our business
Solwers is committed to contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals close to our business and society’s transition towards carbon neutrality. Our company has been part of the UN Global Compact initiative since 2021.
Together with our customers and partners, our goal is to create safe and sustainable cities, neighbourhoods and infrastructure that take into account the environmental aspects and the potential of the circular economy.
Sustainability news
The future Backaplan – Sweden’s largest building with recycled bricks
Solwer’s company Dreem Architects is proud to be involved in the design of Sweden’s largest building with recycled bricks.
The energy-efficient Original Sokos Hotel Royal opened – several Solwers companies involved in design and planning
An energy-smart hotel was opened in Vaasa on February 27, 2024, several Solwers companies involved in design and planning.
Accelerating the green transition – Solwers becomes a shareholder in a startup founded by environmental doyennes
Together with Solwers, Kari & Pantsar Co. strives to expand services towards a nature-positive built environment.
- Environment
- Social
- Governance
Solwers’ handprint can be seen strongly in client work. The green transition and increasing regulation concerning biodiversity open new business opportunities for Solwers companies. The expert services offered include sustainable solutions for low-emission construction, circular economy, strengthening biodiversity and adapting to climate change. Environmental expertise is used in different phases of planning, infrastructure, and construction projects, for example by planning organic green environments, recycling building materials, optimizing the energy consumption and environmental effects of the building’s life cycle.
Several Solwers companies have an environmental program in place, and our subsidiaries continuously work toward more sustainable operations. Most recently, our companies have been awarded quality and environmental certificates such as EcoVadis, Ekokompassi as well as ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications.
Solwers operates openly and transparently, following good governance and promoting the diversity of the working community. The Listed Company Boards study in Finland has given Solwers recognition for being at the forefront of gender diversity, as 60% of Solwers board members are women, while the share of females in listed companies is 30.4% on average.
Our companies have common Code of Conduct principles and a whistleblowing reporting channel in Finland and Sweden. The accessibility of the whistleblowing channel has been improved and it has also been published on the Company’s website (scroll down).
For our subsidiaries, we strive to be a promoter and enabler. We are a long-term and committed owner and partner that supports the development opportunities of the personnel. The special expertise of Solwers’ board members supports our companies in the field of digitalization and circular economy, while ensuring the financial benefits for the Company’s shareholders.
Solwers Plc started preparing for the adoption of the EU Corporate Responsibility Reporting Directive (CSRD) in 2023. The Company reports ESRS-compliant sustainability data as part of financial reporting from 2024.
Whistleblowing Channel
Solwers wants to act responsibly and transparently. We want to make sure that our code of conduct is followed and that we receive information about possible concerns and violations. It is important that potential concerns and violations are reported.
In cases of doubt, we encourage you to contact us. In Solwers companies, the primary contact person is your own supervisor, as a customer or representative of another stakeholder group, contact your contact person in Solwers companies. If you feel you cannot share your information openly, you can also share your concerns anonymously using this contact and reporting channel: WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre.
To ensure anonymity, the notification channel is managed by an external partner, WhistleB. The notification procedure is encrypted and password protected. You will receive detailed instructions on how to make a notification in the channel.
Responsible for our whistleblowing channel:
Nina Nikander
HR Director, Solwers Finland
+358 50 363 8314
The well-being of the personnel is key at Solwers. To support continuous development and promote a positive employee experience, the group regularly organizes versatile trainings. During the reporting year, the group organized a supervisor training for the subsidiaries.
In 2023, a job satisfaction survey was carried out throughout the group. The employee net promoter score (eNPS) was +33, which is classified as very good*. We recognize the impact of job satisfaction on our performance and strive to improve it even further. Our concept of light integration of subsidiaries enables a sense of independence and agility while being part of a larger multidisciplinary team of experts. As an example, employee benefits vary between Solwers companies, depending on what is considered most meaningful at each of the companies.
We are also committed to being a good corporate citizen and promote the well-being of the surrounding society. We make an annual monetary donation to a chosen charity. In 2023, the charities selected were Hyvä Mieli fundraiser for low-income families in Finland and the children’s cancer fund Barncancerfonden in Sweden.
* Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) describes how willing the employees are to recommend a company as an employer to their friends or colleagues. eNPS gives a score between -100 and +100 and the result 0 = good, +20 really good and +50 excellent