For investors

Solwers is a rapidly growing group of expert companies focusing on creating smart and unique living environments. The business idea is to form a new type of group of multidisciplinary consultancy companies. Solwers PLC is listed at the Nasdaq First North Growth Markets Helsinki since June 2021. In the investor pages you can find more information about the financials, reports and presentations, the company strategy, shareholders etc.

On this page you will find investor information about Solwers in brief. More investor information is available in Finnish at The official language of Solwers’ communication is Finnish.

Solwers in numbers






Operational companies


Revenue MEUR (2023)


EBITA margin (2023)

Why invest in Solwers? 

  • Expanding service portfolio for industries with stable demand
  • Strong cash flow and stable capital structure
  • An effective, continuous acquisition strategy
  • The operating model of light integration enables fast and profitable growth
  • Dividend distribution 20-40% of the fiscal year’s profit, the rest is invested in growth
  • Skilled personnel, local management in subsidiaries and experienced group management
  • Moderate risk: operation in two countries, wide range of services for both public and private sectores, large number of small projects
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