Pörssilista 2025
Solwers Oyj siirtyy Nasdaq Helsinki pörssilistalle.
Kaupankäynti pörssissä alkaa arviolta xx.xx.xxxx.
Me suunnittelijat olemme ratkaisijoita – haluamme parantaa yhteiskunnan hyvinvointia suunnittelemalla arkea sujuvoittavia ratkaisuja elinympäristöihin.
Solwers on kasvukonserni, jonka kymmenet paikallisesti toimivat yritykset ja yli 700 asiantuntijaa tarjoavat arkkitehtisuunnittelua, teknistä konsultointia ja projektinjohtopalveluja – lähellä asiakasta Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja nyt myös Puolassa. Strategiamme kulmakivenä ovat jatkuvat yritystostot ja tytäryritystemme menestyksen tukeminen. Perustamisesta alkaen Solwersin liikevaihto on kasvanut yli 20 prosentin vuosivauhtia kannattavasti. Toimintamallimme on skaalattavissa useille markkinoille. Matkamme on vasta alussa.
Solwersia voi luonnehtia sarjaostajaksi, jonka ketterä toimintamalli mahdollistaa nopean mukautumisen ympäröivän yhteiskunnan muutoksiin. Yritysostomme painottuvat niille suunnittelualoille ja maantieteellisille alueille, jotka kasvattavat toimintaamme vuosiksi eteenpäin. Teollisuuden ja infrastruktuurin alueelliset investoinnit, vihreä siirtymä ja kasvava puolustusteollisuus ovat meillä päivittäisiä puheenaiheita. Laadukasta suunnittelua tarvitaan aina.
Me Solwersilla keskittymme liiketoiminnan edistämiseen. Vältämme turhaa byrokratiaa ja organisaatiouudistuksia aina kun mahdollista. Siksi tytäryrityksemme jatkavat toimintaansa uniikeilla brändeillään ja kevyellä hallinnolla. Synergiaetuja saadaan laajemmasta palveluvalikoimasta, yhteistä projekteista, myynnistä ja markkinoinnista. Kevyen integraation mallimme tekee Solwersista houkuttelevan ostajan samanmielisille yrityksille. Vaalimme tytäryritystemme yksilöllistä identiteettiä, kulttuuria ja paikallisia asiakassuhteita. Tarjoamme puitteet, joissa moninaisilla ammattilaisilla – kuten insinööreillä, arkkitehdeilla, projektipäälliköillä, biologeilla ja geologeilla – on tilaa loistaa, luoda uutta ja keskittyä merkitykselliseen. Ilman ylimääräistä korporaatiokohinaa.
Sjoittajana Solwersissa olet osa dynaamista kasvutarinaa, joka ei ainoastaan luo taloudellista arvoa vaan myös edistää yhteiskunnallista hyvinvointia paikallisesti. Haluamme toivottaa sinut lämpimästi tervetulleeksi mukaan matkallemme.

Solwers Oyj:n hallitus teki 15.6.2021 päätöksen yhtiön listautumisannin toteuttamisesta ja merkintöjen hyväksymisestä. Tarjottavien osakkeiden merkintähinta oli yleisöannissa ja Instituutioannissa 7,50 euroa/osake sekä henkilöstöannissa 10,0 prosenttia alhaisempi kuin merkintähinta eli 6,75 euroa/osake. Tämä vastaa noin 63,7 miljoonan euron markkina-arvoa Solwersille välittömästi listautumisannin jälkeen. Kaupankäynnin yhtiön osakkeilla odotetaan alkavan Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:n First North Growth Market Finland -markkinapaikalla arviolta 18.6.2021. Yhtiön kaupankäyntitunnus on aiemmasta tiedosta poiketen SOLWERS.
Listautumisannissa Solwers laskee liikkeeseen 1 200 000 yhtiön uutta osaketta. Lisäksi yhtiön nykyinen osakkeenomistaja Finnmap Engineering Oy myy 400 000 yhtiön olemassa olevaa osaketta.
Listautumisannissa 300 000 osaketta allokoidaan yksityishenkilöille ja yhteisöille Suomessa, 1 235 000 osaketta instituutionaalisille sijoittajille Suomessa ja 65 000 osaketta yhtiön ja sen tytäryhtiöiden työntekijöille ja johdolle sekä yhtiön ja yhtiön tytäryhtiöiden hallituksen jäsenille. Yleisöanti ylimerkittiin noin kuusinkertaisesti, ja yleisöannissa tehdyt merkintäsitoumukset hyväksytään kokonaan 40 osakkeeseen saakka ja tämän ylittävältä määrältä noin 5,9 prosentin osalta annetuista merkintäsitoumuksista. Myös henkilöstöanti ylimerkittiin, ja tehdyt merkintäsitoumukset hyväksytään kokonaan 100 osakkeeseen saakka ja tämän määrän ylittävältä osalta merkintäsitoumusten täyttämättä olevien määrien keskinäisessä suhteessa. Instituutioannissa tehdyt merkintäsitoumukset hyväksytään noin 13,7 prosentin osalta annetuista merkintäsitoumuksista, pois lukien ankkurisijoittajat ja eläke- ja rahastoyhtiöt.
Yhtiö saa osakeannista noin 9 miljoonan euron bruttovarat. Yhtiön osakkeiden kokonaismäärä nousee 8 487 155 Osakkeeseen, kun uudet osakkeet rekisteröidään kaupparekisteriin arviolta 17.6.2021. Osakkeenomistajien kokonaismäärä nousee listautumisannissa yli 5 000:n. Tarjottavat osakkeet toimitetaan maksua vastaan arviolta 17.6.2021 Euroclear Finland Oy:n kautta.
Listautumisantiin osallistuneille sijoittajille lähetetään vahvistusilmoitus merkintäsitoumusten hyväksymisestä ja osakkeiden allokaatiosta niin pian kuin mahdollista, arviolta viimeistään 16.6.2021. Ylimääräiset merkintäsitoumuksiin liittyvät maksut palautetaan merkintäsitoumuksen antajalle hänen ilmoittamalleen pankkitilille arviolta viiden (5) pankkipäivän kuluessa toteuttamispäätöksen jälkeen eli arviolta 22.6.2021. Jos sijoittajan pankkitili on eri rahalaitoksessa kuin merkintäpaikka, varat maksetaan pankkitilille rahalaitosten välisen maksuliikenteen aikataulun mukaisesti arviolta kaksi (2) pankkipäivää myöhemmin.
Yhtiön hallituksen ja johtoryhmän jäsenet sekä henkilöstöantiin osallistuvat Solwersin nykyiset osakkeenomistajat ovat sitoutuneet 180 päivän pituisiin osakkeiden luovutusrajoituksiin.
Hallituksen puheenjohtaja Leif Sebbas kommentoi:
”Olemme erittäin iloisia ja kiitollisia niin ankkurisijoittajien, instituutioiden kuin yleisösijoittajien sekä oman henkilöstömme osoittamasta luottamuksesta Solwersia kohtaan. Listautumisantimme onnistui hienosti, ja varat tukevat meitä tulevassa kasvussa. Tavoitteenamme on luoda osakkeenomistajillemme lisäarvoa olemalla paras kumppani uusien elinympäristöjen luovassa ja kestävässä suunnittelussa. Toivotan uudet osakkeenomistajat lämpimästi mukaan yhteistyöhön!”
Joensuun Kauppa ja Kone Oy, Erikoissijoitusrahasto Taaleri Mikro Markka, Säästöpankki Pienyhtiöt -sijoitusrahasto ja Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma ovat kukin erikseen sitoutuneet merkitsemään listautumisannissa tarjottavia osakkeita tietyin tavanomaisin edellytyksin. Joensuun Kauppa ja Kone Oy, Erikoissijoitusrahasto Taaleri Mikro Markka ja Säästöpankki Pienyhtiöt -sijoitusrahasto ovat kukin erikseen sitoutuneet merkitsemään listautumisannissa 133 333 tarjottavaa osaketta. Lisäksi Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma on sitoutunut merkitsemään listautumisannissa yhteensä enintään 381 922 tarjottavaa osaketta siten, että sen omistusosuus yhtiössä ei ylitä 4,5 prosenttia yhtiön kaikista osakkeista listautumisannin jälkeen.
Tärkeitä päivämääriä (päivitetty 14.6.2021)
Listautumisannin merkintäaika alkoi
Listautumisanti keskeytettiin
Listautumisannin lopputulosta koskeva yhtiötiedote julkistetaan
17.6.2021 (arvio)
Yleisöannissa merkityt ja allokoidut osakkeet kirjataan hyväksytyn merkintäsitoumuksen tehneiden sijoittajien arvo-osuustileille
18.6.2021 (arvio)
Osakkeiden kaupankäynti First Northissa alkaa kaupankäyntitunnuksella SOLWERS
Esitteeseen viittaamalla sisällytetyt asiakirjat:
Uusimmat tiedotteet
Solwers Plc’s Financial Calendar and Annual General Meeting 2025
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, December 20, 2024, at 15:00 EET Solwers Plc’s financial releases in 2025: · 27.2.2025 Financial Statements release 2024 · 28.5.2025 Business Review January - March 2025 · 26.8.2025 Half-year report January - June 2025 · 21.11.2025 Business Review January - September 2025 Solwers’ Financial Statements, Report of the Board of Directors…
Lue lisääToni Santalahti appointed Solwers’ interim General Counsel
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, December 4, 2024, at 14:30 EET Toni Santalahti (LL.M.) has been appointed as the interim General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Solwers Plc, starting from December 12, 2024. He will be covering Olli Kuusi, who is on parental and study leave until the end of 2025. Santalahti will become…
Lue lisääChanges to Solwers Plc’s Financing Agreement
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, December 4, 2024, at 14:15 EET Solwers Plc has today signed an agreement on expanding and amending the Financing Agreement signed in May 2022 with the Company’s principal bank. In the agreement, the Company’s current loans will be refinanced with a new EUR 24.2 million loan maturing on February 28, 2029. In…
Lue lisääRevenue grew and execution of strategy continued as planned
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, November 29, 2024 at 9.00 am EET Business Review Jan 1 - Aug 30, 2024: Revenue grew and execution of strategy continued as planned Key Figures Solwers Consolidated Q3/2024 Q3/2023 01-09/2024 01-09/2023 EUR thousand Revenue 16,648 13,776 56,558 46,970 Revenue growth-% 20.9% 5.2 % 20.4 % 2.9 % EBITDA 1,477 1,653…
Lue lisääDag Nykvist appointed Chair of Solwers Plc’s Shareholders’ Nomination Committee
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, 28.10.2024 at 17:15 EET In its organising meeting on October 28, 2024, the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee of Solwers Plc elected Dag Nykvist as its Chair. The Shareholders’ Nomination Committee of Solwers Plc consists of representatives of the three largest shareholders, registered on September 2, 2024, as well as a board representative:…
Lue lisääSolwers is planning geographical expansion and establishes a subsidiary in Poland
MediaSolwers Plc, Press release, 25.10.2024 at 08:30 EEST [image] Solwers, operating in Finland and Sweden, is expanding its focus to new markets. The company's board has decided to establish a subsidiary in Poland and is currently exploring potential acquisition targets in the region. "Our strategy since the establishment of Solwers has been to grow through…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc issues 62,471 new shares
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, October 3, 2024, at 12:30 EEST Solwers Plc announced on August 19, 2024, that it strengthens the group in Sweden with subsidiary WiseGate AB acquiring the entire share capital of Spectra Consult AB. Part of the purchase price was agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc’s new shares. The number of shares to be directed…
Lue lisääThe members of Shareholders’ Nomination Committee of Solwers Plc have been appointed
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, October 1, 2024, at 11:15 EEST The Shareholders’ Nomination Committee of Solwers Plc consists of representatives of the three largest shareholders, registered on September 2, 2024 as well as a board representative. The following representatives have been nominated to the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee of Solwers Plc: · Leif Sebbas, Chairman of…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc issues 103,632 new shares
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, September 16, 2024, at 15:30 EEST Solwers Plc announced on July 4, 2024, that it strengthens the group with architectural expertise with subsidiary Arkkitehdit Davidsson Tarkela Oy acquiring the entire share capital of Siren Arkkitehdit Oy. Part of the purchase price was agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc’s new shares. The number of shares to be…
Lue lisääChange in the Management Team
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, September 12, 2024, at 15:00 EEST Solwers Plc's Management Team Member, General Counsel and Board Secretary, Olli Kuusi, will be on parental leave starting from September 30, 2024, and continue his absence with a study leave until the end of 2025. The company will not hire a substitute for Kuusi but…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc - Managers' Transactions
CompanySolwers Plc Company release September 12, 2024 at 12:05 p.m. EEST Solwers Oyj - Managers' Transactions ____________________________________________ Person subject to the notification requirement Name: CEB Invest Oy Position: Closely associated person (X) Legal person (1):Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities In Issuer Name: Leif Sebbas Position: Member of the Board Issuer: Solwers Oyj LEI: 7437002BMPCI7Q5PN611 Notification type: INITIAL…
Lue lisääContinuous growth driven by acquisitions
CompanySolwers Plc Half-Year Financial Report 1.1. – 30.6.2024 (unaudited) Solwers Plc, Company Release, August 30, 2024, at 8.30 a.m. EEST This release is a summary of Solwers Plc's Half-Year Financial Report January-June 2024. The full financial statements bulletin is attached to this company release and available on the company's website at https://solwers.com/for-investors/reports-and-presentations/ The figures for the…
Lue lisääPublication of Solwers' January-June 2024 half-year report and invitation to webcast
MediaSolwers Plc, Press release, 22 August 2024 at 10:00 a.m. EEST Solwers will publish its half-year report for January-June 2024 on Friday 30th August, approximately at 9.00 a.m. EEST. The half-year report release will be available in Finnish and English on the company’s website at https://solwers.com/for-investors/company-releases/. CEO Stefan Nyström and CFO Teemu Kraus will present the company’s half-year report…
Lue lisääSolwers reinforces its presence in Sweden - Spectra Consult joins forces with WiseGate AB
MediaSolwers Plc Press release 19.8.2024 at 14.00 EEST Solwers Plc is strengthening its presence in Sweden. Solwers company WiseGate AB has today signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Spectra Consult AB. The acquired company will be reported as part of Solwers group starting August 1, 2024. Founded in 2019, Spectra Consult has offices…
Lue lisääSolwers organizes a directed share issue in connection with the acquisition in Sweden
CompanySolwers Plc Company release, 19th August 2024 at 14:00 EEST Solwers Plc is organizing a directed share issue for the sellers in connection with Spectra Consult AB acquisition announced in a press release today. Part of the purchase price has been agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc's shares. The share issue will be implemented…
Lue lisääSiren Architects joins Solwers
MediaSolwers Plc, Press Release July 4, 2024, at 14:00 EEST Solwers is strengthening its group with architectural expertise. The group's subsidiary, Davidsson Tarkela Architects Oy, has today signed an agreement to acquire the entire share capital of Siren Architects, the Finland's oldest architectural firm by history. Siren Architects' revenue for the fiscal year 1.3.2023-29.2.2024 was…
Lue lisääSolwers organizes a directed share issue in connection with the acquisition in Finland
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, 4th July 2024 at 14.00 EEST Solwers Plc is organizing a directed share issue for the seller in connection with Siren Arkkitehdit Oy acquisition announced in a press release today. Part of the purchase price has been agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc's shares. The share issue will be implemented…
Lue lisääNotification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Market Act on a change in holdings (FME Consulting Oy)
CompanyCompany Release, June 14, 2024, at 12:00 EEST Notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Market Act on a change in holdings (FME Consulting Oy) Solwers Plc has on 14 June 2024 received a notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Market Act, according to which the…
Lue lisääNotification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Market Act on a change in holdings (CEB-Invest Oy)
CompanyCompany Release, June 13, 2024, at 15:50 EEST Notification in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Market Act on a change in holdings (CEB-Invest Oy) Solwers Plc has on 13 June 2024 received a notification in accordance with chapter 9, section 5 of the Securities Market Act, according to which the holdings…
Lue lisääNordea initiated coverage on Solwers
MediaSolwers Plc, Press release, June 13, 2024, at 08:15 EEST Equity research of Nordea has initiated company coverage on Solwers Plc. The analysts following the company are Svante Krokfors and Jukka-Pekka Pesonen. The first extensive English-language company report has been published today. Nordea’s analyses can be viewed at: https://research.nordea.com/CommissionedResearch#. Inderes continues to cover Solwers. Inderes’ equity research is produced in…
Lue lisääBusiness Review, 1 January – 31 March 2024
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release May 31, 2024, at 08:00 EEST Revenue growth in the first quarter of 2024 Key figures Solwers Consolidated Q1/2024 Q1/2023 EUR thousand Revenue 19,221 16,210 Revenue growth-% 18.6% 4.3% EBITDA 1,785 2,171 EBITDA-% 9.3% 13.4% EBITA 1,531 1,937 EBITA-% 8.0% 12.0% EBIT 906 1,418 EBIT-% 4.7% 8.7% Headcount, average 704 589…
Lue lisääResolutions of Solwers Plc's Annual General Meeting and the Organisational Meeting of the Board of Directors
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, April 25, 2024 at 14:15 EEST Solwers Plc's (the "Company") Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 25 April 2024 in Meeting Park Oasis, Itämerenkatu 14, Helsinki. Resolutions of Solwers Plc's Annual General Meeting Adoption of the financial statements The Annual General Meeting adopted the Company's 2023 financial statements. Resolution on…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc is investigating the transfer to the Main Market of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, April 12 at 18:30 EEST The Board of Solwers Plc has decided on 12th April 2024 to investigate the possible transfer of the Company’s shares from Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland to the Main Market of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The transfer could take place during 2024 at the earliest. The…
Lue lisääNotice convening the Annual General Meeting of Solwers Plc
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, 28 March 2024 at 16.25 EET The shareholders of Solwers Plc are invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 25 April 2024 at 10 a.m. [EEST] at Meeting Park Oasis, Itämerenkatu 14, 00180 Helsinki (entrance at Selkämerenkuja 1). The reception of those who have registered for the meeting and…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc has published the Board of Directors' Report, Financial Statements, Auditor’s Report and Annual Review 2023
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, 28 March 2024, at 16.00 EET Solwers Plc has published the 2023 Board of Director's Report, the Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Report in Finnish and English. In addition, a digital Annual Review has been published in Finnish and English. In the context of the Financial Statements, compared to unaudited Financial…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc - Managers' Transactions
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, 26 March 2024 at 15.15 EET Solwers Oyj - Managers' Transactions ____________________________________________ Person subject to the notification requirement Name: CEB Invest Oy Position: Closely associated person (X) Legal person (1):Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities In Issuer Name: Leif Sebbas Position: Member of the Board Issuer: Solwers Oyj LEI: 7437002BMPCI7Q5PN611 Notification type: INITIAL…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc - Managers' Transactions
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, 26 March 2024 at 15.15 EET Solwers Oyj - Managers' Transactions ____________________________________________ Person subject to the notification requirement Name: FME Consulting Oy Position: Closely associated person (X) Legal person (1):Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities In Issuer Name: Leif Sebbas Position: Member of the Board Issuer: Solwers Oyj LEI: 7437002BMPCI7Q5PN611 Notification type: INITIAL…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc establishes a new performance share plan for key employees
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, March 19, 2024 at 17.30 EET The Board of Directors of Solwers Plc has resolved to establish a new share-based incentive plan for key employees of the group. The purpose of the plan is to align the interests of the company’s shareholders and key employees to increase the company’s value in…
Lue lisääContinued growth and profitability at a good level
CompanySolwers Plc’s Financial Statements Release 1 January–31 December 2023 Solwers Plc Company release March 11, 2024 at 10.05 a.m. EET This release is a summary of Solwers Plc's financial statements bulletin January-December 2023.The full financial statements bulletin is attached to this company release and available on the company's website at https://solwers.com/for-investors/reports-and-presentations/ The figures for the financial…
Lue lisääSupplement to the Release: Publication of Solwers’ Financial Statement Release 2023 delayed
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, February 27, 2024 at 22:20 EET Solwers supplements the Company Release published on February 27, 2024 at 19:40 EET regarding the reason for delayed publication of Solwers’ Financial Statement Release. Below is the complete release. Publication of Solwers’ Financial Statement Release 2023 delayed Solwers Plc, Company Release, February 27, 2024 at 19:40…
Lue lisääPublication of Solwers’ Financial Statement Release 2023 delayed
CompanySolwers Plc, Company Release, February 27, 2024 at 19:40 EET Contrary to what was previously announced, Solwers Plc’s Financial Statement Release 2023 will not be published on February 28, 2024. The reason is that the financial statement release completion is delayed. The Financial Statement Release 2023 will be published on March 11, 2024. Solwers…
Lue lisääThe energy-efficient Original Sokos Hotel Royal opened - several Solwers companies involved in design and planning
MediaSolwers Plc, Press Release February 27, 2024 at 13:00 EET [image] Photo: Solar panel system as part of the facade. An energy-smart hotel was opened in Vaasa on February 27, 2024, where both visitors and local residents can refresh themselves and be pampered. Original Sokos Hotel Royal serves as an example of top-class energy saving…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc issues 58,071 new shares
CompanySolwers Plc Company Release 23.02.2024 at 09.45 a.m. EEST Solwers Plc announced on 29 January 2024 that it is expanding the range of services offered to the industry by acquiring the entire share capital of the Swedish Relitor Engineering AB. Part of the purchase price was agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc’s shares. The total number…
Lue lisääPublication of Solwers' Financial Statements 2023 Release and invitation to webcast
MediaSolwers Plc Press release 16 February 2024 at 10:00 am EEST Solwers will publish its Financial Statements Release for January–December 2023 on Wednesday, 28 February, approximately at 09.00 am EEST. When published, the Financial Statements Release will be available in Finnish and English on the company’s website at www.solwers.com. CEO Stefan Nyström and CFO Teemu Kraus…
Lue lisääSolwers Plc issues 31,267 new shares
CompanySolwers Plc Company release 15.02.2024 at 16:45 EEST Solwers Plc announced on 9 January 2024 that it acquires more energy industry know-how by buying the entire share capital of Sweden-based WiseGate AB. Part of the purchase price was agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc’s new shares, which the sellers subscribed for in the directed share issue. The…
Lue lisääKela's main office is planned to undergo extensive renovation - Architects Davidsson Tarkela appointed as the architect and principal designer
MediaSolwers Plc Press Release 08.02.2024 at 09:00 EEST The planning for the extensive renovation project of Kela's culturally significant main office has begun. The architectural and principal design responsibilities are entrusted to Architects Davidsson Tarkela Oy, a part of the Solwers companies. Designed by Aino and Alvar Aalto between 1953-1956, Kela's main office in Taka-Töölö,…
Lue lisääSolwers organizes a directed share issue in connection with the acquisition in Sweden
CompanySolwers Plc Company release, 29 January 2024 at 10.45 EEST Solwers Plc is organizing a directed share issue for the seller in connection with the Relitor AB acquisition announced in a press release today. Part of the purchase price has been agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc's shares. The share issue will be implemented…
Lue lisääSolwers expands with plant engineering in Northern Sweden
MediaSolwers Plc Press release 29/01/2024 at 10.45 EEST [image] Solwers Plc is expanding its service portfolio to include plant engineering and has signed an agreement on 26[th] January to acquire the entire share capital of Relitor Engineering AB. The acquired company will be consolidated in the Solwers group starting February 2024. Founded in 1993 in…
Lue lisääAccelerating the green transition - Solwers becomes a shareholder in a startup founded by environmental doyennes
MediaSolwers Oyj Press release 24.01.2024 at 13:00 EEST Together with Solwers, Kari & Pantsar Co. strives to expand services towards a nature-positive built environment. [image] Kari & Pantsar Co. founders Emma Kari and Mari Pantsar. Solwers strengthens the presence of its companies in ecological and environmental services and has agreed on a shareholding partnership with…
Lue lisääInsider information: Solwers acquires more energy industry know-how and organises a directed share issue
CompanySolwers Plc, Company release, insider information 09.01.2024 at 13.00 (UTC +2) Solwers Plc’s subsidiary Solwers Sweden AB has today signed an agreement to buy the entire share capital of Sweden-based WiseGate AB. Solwers strengthens its presence in Sweden by acquiring WiseGate AB, whose subsidiaries are WiseGate Consulting AB, specialised in consulting…
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